What are the uses of Vernix? 📚
📌it acts as antibacterial agent to protect baby inside and outside the womb
📌protective covering while going through the birth canal
📌allows baby to pick up good back bacteria and leave behind overgrowth of bad bacteria
📌protects baby from meconium exposure(baby’s first poop)
📌it acts as insulation by maintaining your baby’s body temperature. Infants who are immediately washed have a significantly higher rate of heat loss
📌acts as a lubricant and decreases friction during birth and reducing infant trauma
📌it smells like mama and helps keep baby calm after birth
📌your baby swallows Vernix in the womb. The same proteins found in vernix are the same as those in breastmilk. This helps baby’s digestive tract to be ready to breastfeed.
📌keeps baby’s skin soft and subtle
📌increase in lactation rates
📌helps control blood sugar level