It's no secret. Black birthers are 243% more likely die during childbirth than their white counterparts.
Racial disparities exist and always have existed.
Your financial status or education does not matter.
A poor white person with a high school diploma is still more likely to have better care than a black person who is wealthy and has a college degree.
I ask that you seek help from a black doula to help you during your pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
Most of you will not be able to attain Midwifery care which offers more individualized care, whether it's out of financial strain, insurance restrictions or by choice.
I have created a downloadable file, which you can and should print out and tape onto your hospital door for staff to read and see before entering your room.
This is to have staff aware of the racial disparities that exist, they are given the opportunity to change their care for you, they have a clear understanding of what you are up against, and how they can help you during your birth.
If there is anything you feel needs to be added to this sign, please feel free to contact me